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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  September 25, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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appreciate it, thank you for watching, if you can't watch, dvr it, tell your friends about it right now to lou dobbs, this is fox business. lou: good evening, an imminent tread of a terrorist attract on american and subway systems, according to iraq's new prime minister, said his government has uncovered credible intelligence that islamic state terrorists are planning to attack subway systems in u.s. and france. u.s. and french governments offering no statements in response, we'll take up the islamic state threat with retired four-star general, richard myers. and also, with us, to assess military and geopolitical strategy. yed by president, former pentagon official,
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kt mcfarland, and pull eutsy pulitzer prize medalist, judith turner. and also, stepping down, eric holder faced with a defeat in federal court. we begin with that new terror warning out of iraq, a warning that caught obama administration off guard. >> reporter: as president obama wrapped up 3 days in new york new fears about a potential terror plot in major subways like this one, iraqi prime minister claiming his intelligence operation uncovered a imminent ballot by isis to attack systems in paris, and key american cities, possibly as retaliation for u.s. air strikes. >> our subways remain the most
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vulnerable of infrastructure in new york. >> reporter: whitwhite house officials quickly downplayed the claim. national security council spokeswoman said that white house taking ought threats seriously, but added we have not confirmed such a plot, would have to review any information from the iraqi partners before making further determinenition, vice president biden joined push, to grow international coalition against isis. >> i think you are seeing, this is a testament to president's leadership, countris in that region, what the united states to be involved. involved. >> reporter: perhaps not that much trust from allies like egypt whose new president this week raised requests about the president's long-term commitment to the middle east, though they
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were all smiles today. >> obviously. u.s.-egyptian relationship has been a person corner storpb of oucornerstone of ourpolicy. >> reporter: france's decision to only support airstrikes in iraq saying that air power in syria should have been deployed last year when al-asad deployed chemical weapons. diplomacy continues so do airstrikes, 11 more in iraq on top of more than 40 bombs on isis controlled oil fields in syria by u.s. and arab partners. >> your question gets at how do you know you are winning? i am telling you it will take a while to be able to say that. >> reporter: the fbi director. said that bureau does not believe that is kiss pull off a
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spectacular atar in u.s. -- attack in u.s. but she worried about the corps khorasan group. >> thank you, ed henry. lou: to the resignation, president obama announcing resignation of attorne attorneyl eric holder. >> his proudest achievement might be restoreing the core mission to what he calls the conscious of the building that is the civil rights division, he has been relentless against attacks on voting rights act, no citizen, including our servicemembers should have to jump through hoops to exercise their most fundamental right. lou: he is not going anywhere, he will stay on until president nominates a successor and that person confirmed, joining us
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congressman randy forbes. good to have you with us. first, your reaction to the man that has been held in contempt by the house of representatives. >> it was interesting when the president was speaking today he suggested that he had a pointsed mr. -- appointeed mr. holder as america' their and the people's lawyer, he was anything but the america lawyer and people's lawyer he was the administration's lawyer, one thing that we've seen over and over again, is that this has been an attorney general that has thrown the rule of law out the window, many of us will not going to cry we may have a change in the justice department and reinstate that rule of law. lou: turning to the issue of his successor.
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how difficult do you judge it will to be find a appropriate successor who can actually be confirmed by the senate? >> i think it will be easy to fine somebody, the question will be whether the president wants that person. if the president continues to' someone that will be partisan, and pole orizing, an idea that -- polarizing an individual that will take a moto that end justifies the means, i think he will have a difficult time getting that approved but if he brings someone forward who is competent, and willing to reinstate that lo rule of law, i think he is successful. but i am not convinceed that is the president's goal. lou: turning to foreign policy and war against the islamic state. your judgment about whether or not at-this-point we're bringing adequate fire power to the task of degrading, and as president put it destroying the islamic state.
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>> it is more than amount of fire power it is whether or not we have the right strategy. the thing that is problem atic to most of us right now, you have a commander in chief that does not have a chang strong leadership in the world, how could he with two former secretary of defense, that say, he has ignore their recommendations, when you have chairman of the joint chiefs that said every military advice was to do something defense from what president did, then have you secretary gates said, has employed other strategys half heartly. the rest of the world leadership is concerned. lou: going forward. the is lame eei islamic state, r judgment the threat that has been characterizeed. >> we don't have evidence to ing is it is aneurysm am threat --
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implement threat but it is a threat. phoertsers oersmost organized, l trained, best equipped, with that in mind, and based on statements they said, they want to do harms to americans and american interests we have to take that seriously, if we don't take action we'll have more problem down the road, that is why we take it seriously at-this-point in time. lou: wrapping up here, reports of a rebellion within the house, again the leadership of house speaker john boehner. what do you make of it? how realistic to assume that movement will build momentum? >> lou, i don't think it is very strong. i think that is more press coverage right now than it is actualty, i think most people in the house right now are united behind the speaker and for these
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elections, we know that country cannot afford two more years therefore divided congress, we want to win house and senate that our focus, not trying tingo overcome speaker boehner. lou: congressman randy forbes thank you so much. >> thank you, lou. lou: ferguson, missouri police chief issued a public apology to family of michael brown. nearly 7 weeks after the teen was killed by officer wilson. here is the police chief, in a video posted on line. >> i want to say this to the brown family. no one who has not experienced the loss of a child can understand what you are feeling, i am truly sorry for for the lof your son, i am also sorry it took so long to remove michael from the street, the time it took involveded very important work on part of investigators who are trying to collect evidence and gain a true picture of what happened that day, but it was just too long, i am truly
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sorry for that. lou: chief refering to fact that brown's body lay on that street for some 4 hours. after he was shot and killed. police chief apologized to both african-american community and any peaceful protestors who took to ferguson streets after the august 9 shooting. we're coming right back. s and theing the money. coalition attacks on the islamic state oil refineries, we're joined by former chairman of joint chiefs of staff, general richard myers, next. new york state is jump-starting business with startup-ny. an unprecedented program that partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years.
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in west africa. >> the people are increases. -- crisis. secretary-general bon and doctor chance have indicateed, the ebola virus is spreading at alarming speed. thousands of men, women and children have died. thousands more are infected. if unchecked, this epidemic could kill hundreds of thousands of people in the coming months. >> president call to action comes as w.h.o. reports 3,000 tphaoepl hav,000people have dien west africa. >> there is good news, an american aid worker of released from a nebraska hospital today. at a news conference, the doctor talked about the care he
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received. >> i never fell like i was not going to make it. i was the care was soic len. economy length, speed -- ex hrepbgts, excellent, speedy and prompt, i am thanking god for, that i never got to a stage where i sa said i'm not gg to make it. lou: he was treating with an experiment. and blood tran fusions from another doctor who contracted ebola and survived. >> 12 modular oil refineries hit in eastern syria, this latest wave of attacked carries out by 16 fighter jets. dropping front precision guideed bombs. joining us, general richard myers, retired four-star general on u.s. air force, former of joint chiefs of staff, good to
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have you back. as we watch these aircraft carry out the strikes now, what do you think -- what do you make of the of casez, and -- efficacy and what we should expect in way of impact? >> it will take time, but we're going after the financial wherewithal that isis has, they have been making a lot of money off you of oil, in iraq and there in syria. i think really good targets in my view, and a chance to diminish the means by which they wage this cruel terror. lou: and the targets to this points have been vehicles, they have been quote, unquote, installations or buildings as described. by those giving us from rough damage assessment. we're talking about storage facilities, we talk about quote, unquote, vehicles. you say activity take some time to have true impact. we have had some experience with
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long, long war. how -- how is it that our general staff, our flag rank officers, would still be engaging at margin rather than going after the enemy to as president himself put it degrade, and destroy the islamic state? >> first of all, i said it will take some time, i was referring to thin financial impact, is has some kind of a bank account it will take time, we have tomorrow we're not fighting a nation state, isis claims in their moments of delusional grandure they have a dream of this caliphate, but they are not a state, but they do have some state-like trappings with buildings and equipment, they are easy to go after, but like other terrorist, there could be a terrorist by night, and shop keeper by day. this is not like, world war ii
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you can go find the enemy and destroy their means to make war. their means to make war is to get people to join jihad, arm them, then expect them to be ruthless, and give their lives for the cause, a different target set, like we said after 9/19/11 this requires patient, a willing and resolve, with isis. and terrorism, that we've been confronts we see they have the and resolve, they will keep it up, we could pound isis into the ground, there would be another mutation, some other group that would stand up and try to hurt america, our allies, and those in middle east. lou: you are saying that combat imper tutsi -- could be our lot.
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>> i think multigenerational, where a lot of men and women don't want to join jihad where it is manage. , today, if you new said they struck a khorasan group that was blotting against -- platting against targets in europe, we know how that turns out we read that back that is afghanistan and 9/11. lou: another open book is russia bomber aircraft, long-range bombers penetrating air space we're now defending with our scrambleed jet fighters, this is reminiscent of talk about multigenerational, back to at least, 1980s, on part of the russians, theiro theo -- they ae behaving like old soviet union.
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>> since the end of the cold war they have done this from time to time, they have renewed emphasis on their military, and funed it with petrol to fly the aircraft, at one points they were in dire straits, they are reminding u.s., and the west if you will, and nato in particular, in last couple instances that they are a militarily significant country, they want respect of a world power. i think that is what it is about. i can't imagine any of these flights would ever wind up being conflict of any sort. hard to imagine they would be -- it would be crazy. lou: president obama then misspoke when he referred to russia as a regional power? >> well, i think -- i think that would irritate the russians, i think since fall of berlin wall,
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and end of cold war fell they have not continued to get respect they feel is their due. so, th you see some of this is trying to build this respect, as former secretary of defense cohen said, russia sees itself as rodney dangerfield of the world, they don't get any respect, i think part is around that issue. lou: with those warheads and damage and military might, perhaps they are do something more than a regional power. >> i think so. nuclear arsenal they have is second to none on this planet to include ours, they have great infrastructure to keep it up, that should command our respect if nothing else. lou: general richard myers thank you. >> thank you. lou: homeland security deputy admitting tens of thousands of illegal immigrant families who
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were caught crosses our border with mexico this year did not show up at their immigration hearings, about 70s% of those families, that obama administration released, did not show up for those hearings. that is about 41,000 illegal immigrants. >> up next, eric holder, a historic figure in american justice, circles, maybe not for all of the right reasons, my commentary is next. stay with us. know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. know the right financial planning can help you save for college and retirement. know where you stand with pnc total insight. a new investing and banking experience with personalized guidance and online tools.
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delta than any other airline. lou: coming up tonight congressman lamar smith of join us, to discuss whether attorney general eric holder's -- of conduct should be dismissed. but first, holder announcing his resignation that leaves only two original obama ca cabinet membes still in the administration, he leaves his legacy, marred by politization, overreach abuse and dismissiveness, less than a
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month after becoming first black attorney yeattorney general in , saying we're a nation of cowards when it comes to race, but attorney general was afraid to to confront the racism of new black panther party parties and droppd charges against the party, and attorney general just months ago, claimed that racial en en an an imus dropped opposition to the party, and declineening to force our laws during his tenure, including no longer defending defense of marriage act, and blocking state voter i.d. laws, and not enforcing drug laws, but holder may be best remembered for only sitting member to of very been held in contempt of
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congress. and june 2012, house including 17 democrats, votes to holderic holder in contempt of congress for his refusal to hand over documents on operation "fast and furious." the parallel, civil contempt case against holder is now before a federal district judge tuesday denied a doj request to delay the list of documents more than two years after the beginning of court proceedings, white house still denying there is a relationship between the judge's decision, and attorney general's decision to leave. this the doj b in or in -- accud holder's justice department of interfereing with intern nal
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investigations. also among his list of controversys. >> this nation has proudly thought of its as an melty pot in things racial we have been and i believe continue to be a nation of cowards. >> essentially, that one comment, and attorney general's condetention, will not be soon forgot know en, and will be his premier legacy. our quote from of evening. from william penn said in all debates let truth be thy aim not victory or an unjust interest. we're coming right back. >> the first sitting cabinet member to case contempt of congress charges in our history.
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but what happens now that he is leaving the obama white house? congressman lamar smith on eric holder next. she's still the one for you. and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess.
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lou: congressman great to have you with us. let's start with first, the attorney general's departure, and your thoughts on his accomplishments during his service. >> well, as member of the judiciary committee we have jurisdiction over department of justice and have been interacting with the different with mr. holder, we have been trying to hole him accountable, if there is one agency in this administration or any there is one agency that ought to be
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above politics and totally nonpartisan it is the department of justice, shoul should be equl justice under the law, incredibly. this dang mad administration hat as partisan as any other agency, we have seen president direct attorney general to not enforce laws, ignore laws, and try to make laws, that is not what they should be doing. i have been disappointed in the attorney general, we hope for a better successor. lou: but he has gotten away with every single thing you charged him work not a resolution of a single scandal or controversy in which this white house is embroiled. despite a citation, what is the lesson -- for those who are corrupt? and who are willing with that
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conscious on abous abuse power. >> we may be getting last word on "fast and furious," administration sold weapons, guns to drug runners, no surprised they were used against some americans, but a court ruled in our favor, this might be a reason that attorney general is leaving, we'll get real facts about "fast and furious," maybe is implicates the attorney general, we do not know that for sure or not, sometimes we have to go through court or conduct oversight hearings, we need to get to bottom of "fast and furious," ander internal revenue internale scandal. it went to heart of our form of government, a threat to our democracy, and yet this attorney general refused to investigate that scandal. when we get next nominee we'll have a lot of senators interested in getting answers from next nominee to what he or she height do that will give --
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might do that will give us you an too revisit the subjects. lou: turning to homeland security, committee on should which you sit. khorasan group, we never heard president until this week mention that name. it was one of primary targets in the first raids by the u.s. coalition. how emment a threat -- implement imminenta threat, again the u.. >> we have a number of groups, we just mentioned one, we have islamic state, who knows which is worse, they are both willing to kill innocent citizens of any country, administration has yet to explain to american people what their goals are, how they will accomplish the goals, and whether the goal is to defeat islamic state, and how they do it, when we do it, how long it will take, and when do troops
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come home, that is why president must come to congress, as h he s retireed to do by law, president said he does not need to, that a clear reputation of the law, they need to have the debate, american people nee need to hear when reasons, answers tor a lot of our questions, so i am looking forward to president changing his mind, and coming to congress, asking for authorities to havea public debate. lou: it would also be helpful if the speaker of house changeed his mind he has been supportive of strikes and authority has been giveen to arm the so-called rebels, moderate rebels, undefined in syria. >> yep, well, if president it done when he was asked to do and arm the moderates 3 years ago we may not be in this mess today. the president is really too little too late now, but i do
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life our house leaders are willing to have that debate, we'll be in session in november, and believe you many of us are happy to go back tomorrow if that is what it would take for the debate, president need too respond, and consult with congress, and respond to american people, and answer their questions about what is he going to do, how long is it going to take, how is he going to win, whe do we get our troops home. lou: congressman, would it be a service to american people to have these debates, before we take action? it would not be helpful and a service to the american people if our elected officials, in congress, senate, and white house, would debate before an election, and present thenselves selves as ar accountable on american people on election day. >> that would be honest way to do it, and a regret this administration is not doing it, i think that emergency people would be bet -- american people would be better served by direct
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answers to some of your questions before the election not after. lou: and republicans? you think house --? >> i don't know. >> i am sorry, i could not resist that. lamar smith, good to talk with you. >> thank you. lou: time to look on our on-line poll results, do you believe it was inappropriate for president to comment on ferguson, missouri at u.n. general assembly, 90% said yes. vote on our pom tonight, should -- or poll, some congress proceed or drop will contempt of congress charges against eric holder, cast your vote at >> a new report fines flawed obamacare web site, has cost taxpayers $2.1 billion so far. more than double government's estimate of 834 million
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originally. we're coming right back, stay with us, and thank you for putting up with my voice, it seems to be a little out of condition. we'll try it shape up. next. we're coming right back. >> more than 250. sell-off on -- 250--point sell-off on wall street, leaving analysts wondering why? we turn to one of wall street's very best. bob bowl, joining us here next. who work with regional experts who work with portfolio management experts that's when expertise happens.
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on the market chief equity strategist, senior portfolio manager nuveen asset management bob doll. your thoughts on the market? >> i don't think it was any one thing it was a collection. the market so far deflected. i am talking about some questions about u.s. economicic growth, durable goods respect today. -- report today, continued signs of weakness in europe, and china. concerns about the fed, when will they raise rates, did not help that apple had problem with new products, concerns about leadership in washington. market said, uncle. i think we're in a sloppy corrective period that will end evenly back to upside because the economy and earnings are doing better. lou: market investors are going to say what the hell, let's send market higher despite that? >> well, this is the fourth mini
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sell-off we had this year. january, april, a couple of months ago now. and as i inmateed i don't think that slop stphes over, it -- sloppiness is over, it could a period of consolidation that digesting and great game whaoes over last couple of years, this is a soony week period -- seasonally weak period. september, and october. things will get better, post midterm elections are some of the best in the markets, let's hope that repeats. lou: looking at the indexes, you mentioned apple, technology suddenly just, seems to be erodeing to a points it might be a collapse. why is technolog technology -- a case of over bought or overvalued? >> you know, over bought, could be true, over believed, into lakalibaba ipo of a week ago the
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was a lot of enthusiasm, and i think that markets got over bought. market has been sloppy, and maybe that was the warning crack day if you will to say, we'll have one of these sloppy call it 4-7% pullbacks, a few months from now we'll say i fore get that one already. >> will alibaba -- my good friend michael goodwin, noted that this is big business, named after an arab thief, your thoughts? >> yeah it is look it was a biggest ipo, a very successful one. fang that it is not -- fact that it has not traded above offers bryce is never a great sign, it will take time, there are a lot of cross currents this is a different corporate straoubgure,
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it will takstraoubgure it will g out -- strict structure, it will take some time to sort out. lou: as you look forward. tell us what an investor is to do. we have ern talking about a bubble. that still no matter weakness, well overvalued. in the bond market, you can't even begin to say that it sudden a bubble. what do you make of it all? >> so, i think forward returns will be a loot more difficult than historic returns, stock market is up 24 perspir a 24% pl umsince 2009. bonds are difficult, big bear markets, come from tightening,
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tightening with higher interest rates, of magnitude or big rises in oil prices, they are not in theornear-term horizon. lou: bob doll thank you. >> up next, bonds -- bombs keep falling in syria, a new terrorist not is repealed. -- ballot i ballot is plot is r. y with up to 27% more brush movements get healthier gums in two weeks guaranteed. philips sonicare discover the brush that's perfect for you. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. there are a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (husband) that's good to know.
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now, geo politically, two people who never lose track of it, kit mcfarland, and judy miller. >> nice to be here. lou: turn first to the isis. for a moment briefly eclipseed by the cor khorasan group, that president had never mentioned until this week, most folks never heard of, now among those imminent threats that confront us. what are the american people to think? >> i think they pet fied. every 2 weeks there are other terrorist groups that will attack us, and we have a schizophrenic foreign policy, we're about to have a third iraq war. lou: is schizophrenic correct
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how about littl multiple personalities? >> how about hypocritical. you cannot call a group an. am threaaneurysmam -- implementm just have a lot of questions about a group we none of us have heard of until two weeks ago. >> now we can't go on the subway, because they don't know when they will attack. lou: because prime minister of iraq, helpful as he is, pointed out he received credible evidence of a threat against united states in france, and those broad terms. but imminent and credible, and u.s. and french governments will not respond.
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>> intelligence committees ask communitys having not heard the same thing, there may be a disconnect, catherine herridge said there have may -- may have been some information dropped. but this could be a group they did not know about until recently, intelligence community never likes to acknowledge that. lou: a strange sequence at work now. the president does not mention something or dismisses something. then next we're engageed in conflict. we are also looking at ukraine that is desperate, because it needs our resources, support, and weaponry, ordinance and -- orordinance and material u. what in the world -- what -- what makes some sense of this foreign policy that denies, survival to the nation.
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>> as you know, i was in ukraine this month. i heard president poroshenko plead for wherewithal it fight the russians, they don't need our boots on the ground, but they don't' to fight, they hope that the cease fear agreement holds, if it does not they will have to fight. lou: and poroshenko talking about closing border with russia. >> i heard same thing in ukraine in june, they are willing to fight they need defensive weapons and money to keep the economy afloat, we're not giving any to them, they are willing to fight. >> if world looks at what is happening, europe is doing, for ukraine, and this they are offering or lack of it, even as hey sigthey sign a european unie agreement, and what u.s. is
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refuseing to do, what are nationing to think of us and nato? >> well -- >> we agree. >> this makes me madder that president obama last week at a fundraiser, another one, he was asked about ukraine. he said, well, it's not if our vital national interest, it does not matter, we don't do that much with ukraine, with a flip of his hand, throws away 60 years of postwar aspirations, we have people standing up to fight, and their flood, and dejust dismiss it? >> the president included a strong attack on putin in his speech on is toy isis to u.n. i was glad to see that, i know that ukrainians were, but what is going to be follo follow-up? he's to go full citizenship, full e.u., and giving hints
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poroshenko that he wants to join nato, that is a red line for russians, best way to assure putin does not move against him is to arm him. lou: i think that there may not be a best option, i would like to believe this administration would stand up, and europe would stand up. this is not europe. of the world war ii era. this is not europe of the 70s, either. and united states i'm not sure how to describe our policy, because, if we won't support ukraine, and won't stop putin, putin said today, open up the e.u. trade agreement, we'll make a few tweaks, and if you don't like it you think you heard saber rattling last week, waiting inment imentin until next week. thank you very much. >> thank you.
7:57 pm
>> very much kt and judy. that is it for us, stay tuned for cavuto, he is coming up next, we'll be looking for you to join us tomorrow, thank you. good night from new york. "hello. you can go ahead and put your bag right here."
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8:00 pm
. neil: welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. and when it rains it pours. wouldn't you know in washington, d.c., new york city, it's been raining hard, as the latest terror threat to the two very big subway dependent cities started pouring in and sinking in. tonight a look at what authorities are doing here to make sure commuters stay safe, amid a potential isis threat that is targeting subway cities. here and in france. and is chris christie bad for business? i want you to meet the republican who says this image is proof governor


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